Track update

July 2020

Following a year of twists and turns related to our major project, the Eaglehawk Neck Coastal Track, we would love to be able to report that the construction of Stage 1 of the long lauded safe community connection is underway, but no…. almost.

But, there are some good things underway bringing the realisation of this long worked for project to fruition. As recently as the 19th June the closing of tenders to construct the Neck Highway Crossing and the making it a Priority Infrastructure COVID Recovery Project will bring forward this vital link in the achievement of providing a safe pedestrian connection from Tessellated Pavements to the Whale Watchers Carpark.

The Committee and mostly Ted and Arthur, have had some challenges thrown across our path to achieving the already approved by Tasman Council and Parks and funded by the Tasmanian Community Fund. Tasman Council has come to the party applying some of the funds committed through the Federal Governments ‘Local Roads and Community Infrastructure COVID-19 Recovery Funding. These funds will be applied to the parts of Stage 1 of the Coastal Track on Council owned land, and the cost of preparing a design, specifications, and route costings for Stages 2 and 3. This commitment comes on top of further funds for part of Stage 4 of the Track in the Caribbean Court/Penzance area. We thank our councillors for their commitment.

So what next?

Submit plans and approvals to Tasman Council for; vegetation, construction, signage, contractor Parks will need to provide input into replanting and signage plans and to approve the contractor once submitted. Submit design of track furniture proposed for Historic Site for Heritage Tasmania for approval .

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Things to See!

Find out what great things there are to see at Eaglehawk Neck. 

Hippolyte Rocks

DIVE, WILDLIFE, FISH. Hippolyte Rock is an impressive granite island, standing 65m tall and towering over the blue horizon of the Tasman Sea. Emerging from the sea bed 100m below and

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Fossil Bay Lookout + Fossil Island

WANDER, WILDLIFE, EXPLORE, SCENIC. Beyond Doo Town, Fossil Bay Lookout stands beside some of the Tasman Peninsula’s most visited geological formations. The lookout is renowned for its sweeping ocean views and impressive dolerite

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Eaglehawk Bay

CANOE, WILDLIFE, DRIVE, BOAT. Eaglehawk Bay is best known as a sunlit and majestic backdrop for travellers heading south towards Port Arthur and beyond. The bay lies to one side of

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The Chat

All the Important news from Eaglehawk Neck. 

Track update

July 2020 Following a year of twists and turns related to our major project, the Eaglehawk Neck Coastal Track, we would love to be

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